Britannia Parking CEO Appointed as Chair of Trustees at Julia’s House

Car park management company Poole

We are delighted to announce that our CEO, Brian Parker, has become the new Chair of the Board for Julia’s House, a charity that has been very close to all our hearts at Britannia Parking and one that we have supported for many years.

Brian says, “I am deeply honoured to have been appointed Chair of Julia’s House. I have witnessed the enthusiasm, dedication and fantastic efforts made by staff, volunteers, Trustees and the senior team – all of whom make a positive impact on the lives of the families who need the support of Julia’s House. To be given the opportunity to serve as Chair is therefore very humbling and I aim to uphold the standards set by previous individuals who have served the role.”

Along with Brian’s new appointment he is joined by Elizabeth Gardiner in the honorary role of Life President and Peter Wragg who serves as Vice Chair. This new team will help lead Julia’s House forward in caring for some of the most seriously ill children and their families across Wiltshire and Dorset.

Bringing a wealth of experience and passion between them to these voluntary roles, the new leaders will help to build on the resilient and essential work that Julia’s House has been carrying out throughout the pandemic and further grow the care for local children with life limiting conditions and their families in the heart of the community.

The team at Britannia Parking have pledged to continue our support in fundraising through balls, events, auctions, golf days, sponsored hikes, cycle challenges and jumping out of perfectly good aeroplanes!